Adoniram Mark Virtual Meeting 18th November 2020
At 10am on Wednesday the 18th November 2020, 50 members of Adoniram Mark Lodge No 552, gathered all safely and social distanced on the Zoom platform.
The first screen shot of attendees
The business agenda had been circulated and letter of authority to hold the meeting was read by our hard-working Secretary Colin Mills.
The meeting was opened by our Master, W.Bro. Giles Berkley, Asst. Prov. G. Master and we were soon rattling through the business.
Maurice Evans presented his accounts and ended up being declared Treasurer for the ensuing year along with Ernie Gavan as the Tyler.
The second screen shot of attendees
The ‘entertainment’, as is usual at this meeting, was provided by another Asst Prov. G. Master, John Bicknell, who gave us a short talk on the history of the Order and the background to how the Province came to be formed. Upon conclusion the Master thanked John for the most enlightening paper.
The RW Provincial Grand Master, Keith Beardmore, addressed the meeting, and whilst expressing his disappointment at our Lodge meetings being ‘on hold’, he urged everyone to comply with the restrictions imposed on us by the Government, emphasising that those restriction were in our best interest.
He went on the offer to buy anybody he saw in the bar after the meeting a drink - but omitted to include the name of the bar!
The meeting was closed until, our next regular meeting, whenever that might be.
On the meeting, it was good to see Austin Fletcher, our intrepid roving reporter, who does so much in the Province and sends me web reports that are both informative and entertaining.
Austin has been in very poor health of late and has only been discharged from hospital on Sunday.
He is currently in isolation and being attended upon by Lynda at their home.
I spoke to Austin after the Zoom meeting and he sends you all his best wishes. He really needs to get some rest and look after himself for a while. He will then, I have no doubt, soon be entertaining us once again with his reports on Mark Masonry and life’s high lights and low balls that often beset us.
Take care Austin and get well soon.
Words and pictures by Mike Beesley, Webmaster